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HL Company Held the 2023 Enterprise New Apprentice Opening Ceremony

  To strengthen talent cultivation and optimize the construction of enterprise's high skilled talent team. The opening ceremony of the "New Apprenticeship System for Enterprises" training class was successfully held on October 31st. Yang Fuchun, Director of the Employment Center of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in Maiji District, Liu Xingmin, general manager assistant, Liu Fangqin, vice principal of Hailin Technical School, and the company's new apprenticeship master and students attended the ceremony.

  Zhang Bin, director of HR department presided over the class opening ceremony and read out the implementation plan for the new training; The project leader of the school introduced the training content and course arrangement.

  This new apprenticeship training adopts the training mode of "enterprise-school dual system integration of work and learning", combining "mentoring" and professional teaching to jointly cultivate medium and senior technical talents that meet the job requirements of the enterprise. 
  Liu Xingmin made an important statement requesting that all students cherish the opportunity to improve their personal skills and literacy during the one-year training, strictly follow the training requirements, with correct learning attitude, clarify their learning goals, and complete the tasks with high quality.
  Yang Fuchun pointed out that the participation in the new apprenticeship training are the backbone carefully selected from various positions in the enterprise, hope that enterprise employees with the help of this training, improve their ideological awareness, achieve results, and contribute their own strength to the development of the enterprise.

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